Alphabet Photo Project — “F”

I went super abstract/conceptual with Dru’s chosen word this week.  When he chose “Fear,” I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, as I don’t usually photograph people–so how was I going to portray a human emotion?  But, as anyone who has even glanced at this blog knows, I can’t get enough of taking motion abstracts these days, so I ended up going with this:

motion, abstract, neon, neon pink, bright red, abstract photography, painting with light

To be 100% honest, I’m not entirely sure that it conveys fear…but I really like it!

My chosen word was “Falling.”  Another motion shot worked perfectly for that word:

Falling star, neon star, red star

I love, love, love both of Dru’s photos this week!!

Dru's Falling

These are two of my favorite images of his from the entire project thus far–and that, my friends, is saying a lot!

Next week’s words are “Gaia” and “Geometric.”  And, much as I love taking motion abstracts, in an effort to push myself I hereby vow: NO MOTION ABSTRACTS!  (For at least one week, anyway.)

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