Hi folks,
Wow—it feels weird to actually be writing on this blog! But I guess I’d better get used to it, because I’m writing to tell you about a big change that’s coming. I’ve been posting a new photo on this blog every single day for almost two and a half years. I still love it—and the photos are definitely not going away—but, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to expand the format beyond just photographs. I have a lot of other, non-photography art projects going on that I would love to share with you. And while a picture may be worth a thousand words, there are some things I want to communicate using actual, well, words.
On Friday, April 5, I will post my 900th consecutive photo. That seems like a good time to take the plunge into new territory, right? (The obsessive-compulsive part of me wanted to go for a cool 1,000—but I don’t want to wait another three months!)
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been following—or even occasionally glancing at—my photos over the past 2.5 years. I love knowing you’re out there looking! I hope you like the new format. One huge advantage is that this new format will be much more interactive. I hope you will take advantage of that fact and weigh in with comments! I really want this new blog to be a conversation.
Looking forward to charting new territory!