“Days Project” Week 51
Not surprisingly, Dru and I both chose Christmas Day for our photos this week. Here’s mine, direct from sunny California: And Dru’s, straight from…well, straight from the land of awesomeness!!
Not surprisingly, Dru and I both chose Christmas Day for our photos this week. Here’s mine, direct from sunny California: And Dru’s, straight from…well, straight from the land of awesomeness!!
There was no way I could resist choosing December 15th, “Cat Herders’ Day” this week, as herding the office cats happens to be part of my job description at work. (This isn’t the best quality photo, but it is an actual shot of said cat herding in action. This is Oliver at lunch time.) […]
***This project has a new home. Please visit www.thenextstoponthistrain.com*** I’m finding that with some of these stops, the 10 photos I allow myself per post simply aren’t enough! In my visit to Hoyt Street on the 2/3 line, in addition to interesting and beautiful old buildings, I found myself drawn to the vast array of […]
This week I chose December 14th, “World Candle Lighting Day”: Dru took this absolutely stunning photo for December 11th, “International Mountain Day”:
***This project has a new home. Please visit www.thenextstoponthistrain.com*** This is part of a series in which I will be visiting every subway stop in New York City and taking photos of what I find there. To see other photos from this series, go to the Categories section on your right and scroll down to […]
I looked no further when I saw that Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) was this week…because I happen to live on a street with that name. It came as no surprise that Dru chose to celebrate one of his very favorite days of the year, December 5th, “Repeal Day”:
Dru and I both celebrated non-traditional shopping choices with this week’s photos. My photo is of the Folk Music Center in beautiful Claremont, CA to celebrate November 29th, “Small Business Saturday”. Dru did a double photo this time: Protesters outside the mall for Black Friday and his haul from “Record Store Day”(November 28th).
***This project has a new home. Please visit www.thenextstoponthistrain.com*** When I did the 96th Street B/C stop a few weeks ago, I ended up in the northwestern edge of Central Park. I took way too many photos of the park to be included in my original post, so I decided to share them separately […]
This week I enlisted my handsome guy, Marcel, to pose for November 17th, “National Black Cat Day”. Dru celebrated his lovely wife’s profession with November 19th, “GIS [for those not in the know, Geographic Information System] Day”.
This was definitely one of those “Why is there a day for this?!” weeks for me. But there is, and so, may I present: November 10th – “Area Code Day” Dru offered this fantastic photo for November 11th, Veterans Day: