“Days Project” Week 11
This week brought us “World Water Day” (March 22nd), which I commemorated with this photo: Dru went with March 21st, “National Fragrance Day.” Too bad this blog doesn’t have a “Scratch and Sniff” feature!
This week brought us “World Water Day” (March 22nd), which I commemorated with this photo: Dru went with March 21st, “National Fragrance Day.” Too bad this blog doesn’t have a “Scratch and Sniff” feature!
I think it’s safe to say that no one–I mean, NO ONE–loves popcorn more than I. So I was quite happy to commemorate March 13th, “Popcorn Lovers’ Day.” Having just typed that, it now occurs to me that, as it’s “Popcorn Lovers’ Day”, not “Popcorn Day”, perhaps I should have gone with a selfie. 😉 But […]
Many moons ago, when this was still a photo blog, I posted a photo of the rather unsettling armless police woman mannequin that stood guard outside a police equipment supply shop here in Manhattan. I’m here to report that she has since been replaced with…Police Baby! Run for your lives, criminals! Run. […]
So, I recently discovered a new (to me) brand of croutons in my local supermarket. They’re quite delicious…but the package makes me laugh every time I see it. This week I realized that it would be the ideal photo for March 5th, “Multiple Personality Day.” Seriously…huh?! Dru came up with an AWESOME photo for March […]
How cool is it that there’s an “Old Stuff Day”? It occurs on March 2nd, and I commemorated it with this photo: Dru went with February 24th, “National Tortilla Chip Day”. His photo this week comes with an amusing caption.