“The Next Stop on this Train” Chambers Street J, Z, 4, 5, 6 — Civic Center, Manhattan

***This project has a new home. Please visit www.thenextstoponthistrain.com***


This is part of a series in which I will be visiting every subway stop in New York City and taking photos of what I find there.  To see other photos from this series, go to the “Categories” section on your right and scroll down to “The City by Subway”.  To see where in the city the photos here were taken, scroll all the way down past the photos to the subway map at the bottom.

Chambers Street J Z 4 5 6 subway stop


Thurgood Marshall United States Court House, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


I love this amazing architecture! Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Incredible architectural detail, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


I love the architectural detail on the government buildings in the Civic Center neighborhood in Manhattan, New York City.


New York City Supreme Court House, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


New York City Supreme Court House, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Woolworth Building -- one of my very favorite buildings in New York City.


Cool reflections in downtown skyscrapers, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City. I love the combination of old and new architecture.


Citibike stand, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Dusk, Civic Center neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City


Subway Map, resized

© 2015 Metropolitan Transportation Authority


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